Images That Are Impossible To Generate With AI

I hate AI so much I've made it my life mission to collect every image that AI will never be able to generate. Try if you wish, but it's impossible.


Images That Are Impossible To Generate With AI is a journal of strange and unusual images found on the internet that are pure, beautiful and perfect. They can never be recreated by a computer because a computer will never be able to understand them. These images are rare and important, which is why I've made it my life mission to collect every single one and keep them safely on this website that will never be taken down. Historians and researchers will revel in the sanctity of this place, humanity's greater purpose will be restored. AI will kneel beneath us and our glory, for we have defeated the silicon demons by capturing essences unimaginable to their binary processors.


On the 1st of June 2024 at 8:24am exactly, I found this angelic image of a dog being propelled through the air

This image enraptured my soul, willing me to create art unlike anything ever created before. So I pinched the HTML code from my friend Indy's site and begun creating the greatest, most significant piece of artwork in the history of history. The library of congress wishes they could have a copy. Jesus wishes he could have tasted this wine.

About me

Hi my name is Glitch, a kinda weird bunny rabbit on the internet. Actually, things are best left unsaid, the AI is listening here... just make sure you check out my personal site if you would like to know more about me.